About Us

My Story

I live in Portland, OR with my husband, our three children, and our dog Ozzie. I have always enjoyed making things for my kids, friends, and family, and was inspired to open a shop to sell some of my unique, original designs.


Because I care about the future of both your and my children, I am making every effort to prioritize sustainability in my shop.  I use shipping materials containing or entirely made of recycled materials, try to waste as little as possible in my production process, and am excited to have found a canvas I love made from 100% recycled water bottles, which I have started printing all of my canvas growth charts on.  


Why Prillion Dillion? 

When my oldest daughter was a toddler, we loved hearing the creative names she came up with for her toys. Fan and Focaccia were two of her favorite dolls. Toops the Rabbit, Me-me and Be-be (dog besties), and Shee-gon the Seal were much-loved stuffies that she played with endlessly. Our favorite name was "Prillion Dillion," given by her to a beloved plush cheetah that was a present from her aunt and uncle. It seemed like a fitting name for a shop selling fun, imaginative, whimsical designs for children. The design for the shop logo is based on a drawing of Prillion Dillion, the cheetah, by my (then) 8 year old son.